How to Remove Soft-drink Stains from Your Clothes

Soft-drink stains are disappointing, but very common. In this blog, we will tell how you should deal with a soft-drink stain on your garments.

See the Label

You should start with seeing the label attached to your garment. If the label says your garment cannot be washed at home and should be given to a soap suds coin laundry, then you should simply give it to soap and suds laundry. But, if label allows you to clean the garment at home, then you should deal with the stain at your home. Here are the tips to deal with soft-drink stains from clothes that can be washed at home.


You should blot away moisture from the garment with a white paper towel. However, before doing it, you should take your garment under running cold water to flush the stain from the wrong side of the stain. If this method works, then it’s okay or try rubbing alcohol in place of cold water. Apply rubbing alcohol on the stained area and then bloat the stained area with a white paper towel.

Solvent Based Stain Remover

If blotting does not succeed to remove stain, you should use a solvent-based stain remover. If you don’t have a stain remover, then you can use your liquid laundry detergent as well. Soak the garment in liquid laundry detergent for 30 minutes. Thereafter, rub the stained area gently and then wash the garment as you do. The stain should go.

Oxygen-based Bleach

If some part of stain still exists on your garment, you should buyoxygen-based bleach to get rid of the stain. You should mix one fourth part of a cup of the powder in one-gallon water and then leave the garment in the solution for at least 4-5 hours. Thereafter, you should wash your clothes as you usually do. If the stain does not go, then you should repeat the process.

Even if your garments are home washable, we will advise you to contact soap suds laundry in place of trying your hands on them because you can damage your garment while dealing with stains.


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